Saturday, September 8, 2012


My dreams the migratory birds
flying across the full moon
absolute silence is their hearts

The full moon shines
in a silent little pond
Death is a mere ripple

Little white butterfly
visit some other flower today
mine wants to sleep in my leaves

They will catch me
if they decode my fingerprints
on your mind

Recession hit God
starts a BPO in Bihar
He is outsourcing work these days

Shakespeare on the Thames
sighs secretly with the fog
he misses the Avon

a homeless dark cloud
 begging near the temple
what shall I drop in his bowl?

The aged moon
totters on the stick
thinking of his pension

a sparrow
snug in her nest
dreaming of jack-the-ripper

 (from my twitter account)


Sleep is dinner for the dead

we serve severed heads
On the silver plates of dreams
soaked in the sauce

of our blackened blood
my fingerprints
on the gossamer wings of Time
have begun to fade

death is the last blank check
I will be signing
And it will be your tip

I am ready
For the next course.


termites swarm towards my face
bit torrents surging
towards their peers

bamboo-leaves turn blue
like the moth-eaten page of Facebook
i already hear the crickets singing

iii) a spider snoozes on his web
dreaming of his mate
-you have one unread message

iv) google chrome crashes
sparrow droppings on my screen
-oh! for the good old days...

v) internet dongle winks
porn soup is hot and ready
-anarkali disco chali.

Monday, September 3, 2012

One Monsoon, In a Forest

Foliage of your emerald feathers
Envelops your body
I run my fingers through
Your wet leaves
You preen

You close your eyes
And rest your beak
On my shoulders

We have become the evening forest now

An overcast sky
Descends upon us

Collects us in its arms

I see you have fallen asleep
Your red beak
Listens to my beating heart
You breathe monsoons
With your silences

We don’t have a nest
We are the nest

Don’t be afraid of opening your eyes
I won’t fly away from them

2 Sept 2012
12:27 am